Yellow Fever


Yellow Fever


Yellow fever is a serious disease caused by the yellow fever virus. It is carried by mosquitoes which bite during the day. These are different from most mosquitoes which carry malaria, which tend to bite from dusk to dawn.

For some people it can cause a flu-like illness from which they recover completely. However, for other people it causes symptoms of fever, vomiting, yellowing of their skin or the whites of the eyes (jaundice) and bleeding. This is fatal in about 1 in 12 cases and there is no medicine that can destroy the virus.

Whether you have been vaccinated or not, it is important to take steps to try to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes when you are in a high-risk area.



At Health Pharmacy, we are committed to keeping our community healthy and safe. That’s why we’re proud to offer our Yellow Fever Vaccination Service.
Yellow Fever is a serious and potentially fatal disease that is prevalent in tropical areas of Africa and South America. The best way to prevent Yellow Fever is through vaccination.


Our Yellow Fever Vaccination Service is:


  • Convenient: No need for a doctor’s appointment. Just walk into our pharmacy at a time that suits you.
  • Professional: Our vaccinations are administered by trained and certified pharmacists.
  • Safe: We adhere to the highest standards of cleanliness and safety.
  • Informative: We provide comprehensive information about the vaccine, the disease, and travel advice for Yellow Fever risk areas.


Why have a yellow fever vaccination?


Yellow fever occurs in certain countries of Africa and South America. It can be fatal and vaccination is the only effective way to prevent it if you’re exposed to it. You may need to have a yellow fever vaccination if you are over 9 months old and are travelling to countries where yellow fever is a risk.

Some countries require you to have an International Certificate of Vaccination against yellow fever before they will let you into the country. In some countries, vaccination is compulsory for all incoming visitors. In some countries, vaccination is compulsory for people who have travelled from a ‘yellow fever’ area or country.

You can find out how high the risk is in the country you are visiting and if you will require a yellow fever vaccine by looking at the NHS Fitfortravel site and checking the guidance on your destination.


What am I booking?


This is a private (paid for) service from your Pharmacist for your consultation and a single dose of vaccine, given at least 10 days before you travel.

The World Health Organization has said that this vaccination gives protection for life, but some countries still need proof that you have had a booster if your vaccination was over 10 years ago.

Yellow fever vaccine can only be given at accredited centres. Your Pharmacist can issue a vaccination certificate which gives the date your vaccine will become effective.

If you are sure from this guidance that you need this vaccination (eg if you have not had this vaccination before and are in an at-risk group or are going to a country where proof of vaccination is compulsory), please book using this form. Otherwise, please book our ‘travel advice’ appointment. Your Pharmacist can advise you on all the vaccinations and other precautions you need.


Before administering the vaccine, our pharmacists will conduct a brief consultation to assess your health status and travel plans. This ensures the vaccine is suitable for you.


Protect yourself and your loved ones from Yellow Fever. Book below for your Yellow Fever vaccination.

