Prescription Delivery


Prescription Delivery

Health Pharmacy deliver your NHS prescription for free


Prescription delivery services are helpful if you’re somebody who regularly relies on repeat prescription medication, living with a long-term illness or disability, or you care for someone who does. Although NHS prescriptions are usually affordable (and sometimes even free), the process of collecting a prescription, taking it into your pharmacy and paying on a regular basis can be time-consuming. The Health Pharmacy offers prescription delivery in North Harrow and Wembley to make your life easier!


Our specialist delivery service allows you to have your medicines delivered directly to home or work. This service is free and available on request.



How our repeat prescription delivery service works


The first step to applying for the repeat prescription delivery with The Health Pharmacy is to get in touch with the pharmacy and provide us with your patient details, including the name of your GP surgery and which repeat prescriptions you are using.


The second step is for our team to contact your GP surgery and obtain your repeat prescription. Once we have your prescription and your patient details, we can get ready to send out your medications when you need them.


The final step is your free delivery on medicines. Before delivery, you will receive confirmation that your prescription has been processed and if you pay for your medication, we will take payment from your account when your medication is despatched.



prescription delivery north harrow
Delivery person knocking on a door



How much does the delivery service cost?


The Health Pharmacy repeat prescription delivery service is completely free. We do not charge you an administrative fee or for delivery. However, you will still have to pay for your prescription items as usual.


To learn more and to enquire about how to set up prescription delivery in North Harrow and Wembley, contact us here, or drop into the pharmacy. Otherwise, nominate us as your preferred pharmacy below!



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